Los Chilenos Tropicales

The group LOS CHILENOS TROPICALES offers an original musical performance on the theme of Latin American music at music festivals and bars from Reunion Island.
The musical association SON LATINO was created in to promote exchanges between Latin American culture and Reunionese culture. The goal is to introduce Latin music and dances to Reunion Island.
Drawing on the great musical diversity and the wide range of songs that make up the "new world" repertoire, you will be transported to an enchanted destination to discover a colorful continent.
Imposing itself by our authenticity (Chilean vocalist) and Creole musicians, we have been performing on the Reunionese stages for several years.
The group LOS CHILENOS TROPICALES offers you a cultural and musical journey through Latin America with the resumption of the great standards of Cuban, New York and Colombian salsa.
Formation with 2 or 3 musicians.